Eschaton Ad

directed by Andrea Gatopoulos


An apocalyptic film is suddenly interrupted by a strange ad.
ESCHATON AD is the advertisement of an apocalypse. Produced by Il Varco.


Writer and director: Andrea Gatopoulos
Produced by: Il Varco Cinema, Naffintusi, Polittico, Locarno Film Festival, CISA, RSI
Producers: Marco Crispano, Orazio Guarino, Marco Santoro, Giorgio Calogero
Sound and Mix: Tommaso Barbaro
Editing: Andrea Gatopulos



76. Locarno Film Festival
29. Sarajevo Film Festival
52. Festival du Nouveau Cinema
6. El Gouna Film Festival
29. Athens International Film Festival
13. International Short Film Festival of Cyprus
65. ZINEBI – International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao
21. Bogotà Short Film Festival
24. Izmir International Short Film Festival
29. Caminhos Film Festival
42. Filmmaker Film Festival
19. Passaggi d’Autore – Mediterranean Short Films Festival
17. Psarokokalo Film Festival
5. SANFICI Festival Santander
21. Vienna Shorts
47. Kortfilmfestivalen Grimstadt
78. Nastri d’Argento – Selezione ufficiale
11. Toko Film Fest
2. Unarchive – Found Footage Fest
20. FEST – New Directors New Film Festival
16. Leiden Shorts