I Falchi

directed by Lilian Sassanelli


Emilio and Lea reach a house immersed in the Tuscan countryside whose walls bear the weight of a tragedy that took place a few weeks earlier. Their sensitivities intertwine and silently approach until they accept and process the mourning that binds them.


Director: Lilian Sassanelli
Assistant director: Julien Mounier
2nd Assistant: Chiara Capo
Cinematographer: Mattia Ottaviani
Editor: Angela Disanto
Original Score: Giovanni Narici
Costume designer: Anna Schweitzer
Live Sound: Petra Pirandello
Sound editor: Riccardo Spagnol
Assistant Director: Chiara Capo
Colorist: Marco Diliello
Set Photographer: Ian Sassanelli
Alexia Sarantopoulou
Matteo Carpi
Otto Lazić-Reuschel
Angela Disanto
Anna Schweitzer
Chiara Capo
Giovanni Narici


A production by Zero Stress and Will O Wisp
in association with Il Varco
Produced by Lilian Sassanelli, Otto Lazić-Reuschel
Martin Alan Tranquillini, Anna Bressanini
Associated producers Marco Crispano, Andrea Gatopoulos


Waiting for World Premiere